modern slavery statement
1. introduction:
This statement sets out Aalberts IPS UK’s commitment to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to our business. Our aim is to put in place practices and effective systems to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business or in our supply chain. As part of the Manufacturing Industry the organisation recognises that it has a responsibility to take a robust approach to modern slavery and human trafficking.
2. organisational structure and supply chain
Aalberts IPS UK is one of the leading manufacturers of advanced plumbing, heating and engineering products in the world. Aalberts IPS UK is part of Aalberts NV, a leading technology company listed on the Netherlands stock exchange and employing over 14,500 employees. Aalberts IPS UK has a supply chain that extends outside the UK to mainly Europe, USA & South East Asia. Owing to these global suppliers, Aalberts IPS UK recognises that some countries in its supply chain may present an increased risk of modern slavery.
3. risk and compliance
Aalberts IPS UK employs risk management procedures and proactive initiatives to validate its exposure to the risk of modern slavery occurring in relation to its supply chain. These procedures are supported by corporate policies in which the business commits to conducting business within all applicable laws and regulations. Aalberts IPS UK will maintain a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking within its supply chain.
As part of our ongoing due diligence we have assessed the following areas to put in further enhancements to make processes more robust:
• Quality Supplier handbook – additional compliance in point 4.4 Ethics Section to monitor supplier compliance and what they need to demonstrate
• Quality Supplier Self-Assessment form – further questions as to supplier’s ability to score themselves against our standards
• Continued assessment and auditing of HR processes so that potential employees are assessed for their right to work
• Workplace equality policy is used to promote a culture of inclusion and diversity
• Aalberts IPS UK enforces polices that guide, promote and encourage a culture of ethical trading by defining our standards, such as corruption, anti-bribery, fraud, gift and hospitality
• Wages are compliant with relevant government legislation
Aalberts IPS UK maintains a whistleblowing scheme where employees can confidentially lodge any concerns arising from perceived non-compliance. These are all then independently investigated.
4. training
Aalberts IPS UK will continue to invest in the education of employees and suppliers in the risks surrounding modern slavery and human trafficking in the modern world. Our commitment is to strive for continuous improvement opportunities, which we believe will be delivered through strong and widespread education.
5. further actions
Aalberts IPS UK will continue to challenge its processes and policies to maintain its high ethical business standards. This statement is made in pursuant to section 54(1) of the modern slavery act 2015 and constitutes our group’s modern slavery and human trafficking statement for the current financial year.
This statement covers the financial year 2021-22 and was last updated August 2022.