gender pay gap
our objectives
Aalberts integrated piping systems UK’s objective is to ensure that the talents and resources of employees are utilised to the full and that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on grounds of gender, marital status, social class, colour, race, ethnic origin, creed, age, sexual orientation or disability. We are committed to creating a diverse inclusive place to work, this is fundamental to creating a more innovative and higher performing company for the future.
Section 1 – Gender Pay Gap reporting as of 5 April 2023
Our gender pay gap reporting is based on a snapshot date of 5 April 2023. For the purposes of gender pay gap reporting, staff who were not in receipt of their full usual pay and therefore not classed as ‘full-pay relevant employees’ have been discounted.
In reviewing our data, the mean gender pay gap is now 26.18% which is a reduction from 28.17% from 12 months previously, whilst the median gender pay gap has increased to 26.04% from 24.66%. This is based on a snapshot of the difference between average hourly pay levels of all women compared to all men, irrespective of their role or level in the organisation, expressed as a percentage of men’s average pay.
The most recent ONS data, released in November 2023, shows that across the UK, the median gender pay gap was 14.3%, compared to 26.04% for Aalberts IPS. When specifically looking at the manufacturing sector, a median pay gap of 13.9% has been reported by the ONS for 2023.
The hourly pay figure used to calculate the difference includes all items as specified in the regulations, such as allowances and shift pay. The “gender pay gap” is a form of statistical analysis based on mean and median rates of pay. This differs from “equal pay” which looks at the individual level and is about ensuring that men and women are paid the same for carrying out the same work or work of equal value. The evaluation of our gender pay data indicates that the difference in average pay is due to a greater proportion of men undertaking senior positions, which attract higher paid salaries. When we look at the salaries between men and women in the same grade the differences are reduced.
Section 2 – Bonus Payments
When reviewing bonus payments, the mean gender pay gap for the 12 months preceding 5 April 2023 for Aalberts IPS UK Ltd was 18.61%. During the most recent reporting period, 17.6% of men received bonus payments, compared to 4.62% of women. A large proportion of these bonuses were paid to our staff in sales roles where we employ a large proportion of male employees.
Section 3 – Salary Quartiles
The legislation requires us to identify our overall pay range, by dividing this into equally sized quartiles and populate these with the numbers of men and women in each quartile.
Quartile | % men | % women |
Lower | 55 | 45 |
Lower middle | 76 | 24 |
Upper middle | 92 | 8 |
Top | 89 | 11 |
We are constantly seeking ways to improve the male to female ratio across the organisation. However, we operate in what is still a male dominated sector and it will take time for our good intentions to become reality.
As of April 2023, women comprise 28% of our workforce. Although engineering and manufacturing historically tends to comprise a higher proportion of males in its workforce, we are keen to work to have a greater balance of women to men within the organisation. We continue to evaluate our recruitment processes to ensure we are doing our utmost to encourage female applicants and promote inclusivity, and we will continue to strive to recruit more females into our overall organisation.
As part of our business strategy, we work closely with local education providers to support the national drive to increase the number of young women taking on subjects such as science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM). We are exploring other options of how we can attract more women into our business to create a better gender balance. However, as an equal opportunities employer, we firmly believe in appointing the best candidate into the role, regardless of gender or other factors covered by the equality act.
The information derived from our gender pay analysis will be used as part of our ongoing pay monitoring processes to ensure there is no gender bias in regard to salary reviews, recruitment decisions and progression opportunities.
As a leadership team we are committed to proactively challenging ourselves about the underlying reasons for the gap and working across our business to address this.